[Fuzichaku (Samizu Gumi)] Sensei no Hatena - What the professor doesn't know (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) [Chinese] [大小姐汉化] | [不時着 (さみずぐみ)] せんせいのはてな (ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月) [中国翻訳] | Sensei no Hatena - What the professor doesn't know
- Artists: samizu gumi
- Tags/Genres: eyepatch, sole male, sole female
- Groups: fuzichaku
- Parodies: fire emblem three houses
- Characters: byleth eisner, dimitri alexandre blaiddyd
- Languages: chinese, translated
- Categories: doujinshi
- Pages: 31
- Uploaded: 26-07-2020 08:37
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