(C94) [Rakuen Tiramisu (Cobo)] Mash to Scathach wa Master no Maryoku o Shiboritoru You desu. (Fate/Grand Order) [Chinese] [黎欧×新桥月白日语社] | (C94) [楽園ティラミス (こぼ)] マシュとスカサハはマスターの魔力を搾り取るようです。 (Fate/Grand Order) [中国翻訳] | Mash to Scathach wa Master no Maryoku o Shiboritoru You desu.
- Artists: cobo
- Tags/Genres: sole male, bodysuit
- Groups: rakuen tiramisu
- Parodies: fate grand order
- Characters: scathach, shielder
- Languages: chinese, translated
- Categories: doujinshi
- Pages: 27
- Uploaded: 11-09-2019 17:29
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