(Ginban no glory 0.5) [Aruchisuto (Kagajou Hiroki)] Akogare no Hito to XXX Shitai (Yuri!!! on ICE) | (銀盤のglory0.5) [アルチスト (加賀城ヒロキ)] 憧れの人とXXXしたい (ユーリ!!! on ICE) | Akogare no Hito to XXX Shitai
- Artists: kagajou hiroki
- Tags/Genres: anal, blowjob, males only, yaoi
- Groups: aruchisuto
- Parodies: yuri on ice
- Characters: victor nikiforov, yuuri katsuki
- Languages: japanese
- Categories: doujinshi
- Pages: 22
- Uploaded: 23-10-2017 05:04
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